Ruby Tutorial: Rspec

RSpec Explained


  • defines a context
  • takes a class or a string as its name


  • defines an example (aka spec or test)


  • defines an assertion
  • every test needs at least one assertion
    • or else you're not really testing anything


  • passed to should
  • perform a test on the object that should is called on

be matchers

@@@ ruby
[].should be_empty
  • uses method_missing magic
  • be_empty invokes empty? on its target
  • be_valid invokes valid? on its target
  • and so on

before and after

before do
  @data = [1,2,3]
  • defines some code that will be executed before each of the specs in that describe block
  • there's also before :all do..end which executes only once
  • there's also after with similar semantics